Iran: Terror sponsors can’t hide role in terrorist acts through 'double-talk'

TEHRAN - In a statement on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi said the sponsors of terror cannot cover up their direct role in supporting anti-Iran terrorists through “false rhetoric, unfounded double-talk and childish doubts” about the nature of the terrorist attack in Ahvaz, capital of the southwestern Khuzestan province, on Saturday morning.
In the terrorist attack on the military parade in Ahvaz, capital of the southwestern Khuzestan province, 25 people, including children and women, were killed. The so-called Ahvaz National Resistance claimed responsibility for the attack.
The group enjoys support among certain Arab states in the region. It also has activities in certain European countries. On Saturday, the Iranian Foreign Ministry summoned the Danish and Dutch ambassadors as well as the British chargé d'affaires to Tehran to protest the activities of the group in their countries.
“Those who are in the pay of, and obey notorious centers that generate violence and commit crimes against humans, plus those who offer intellectual, financial, arms and media support to terrorism in the [Middle East] region and beyond, should have no doubt that they cannot undermine the Iranian government and nation’s determination to carry out a relentless and overarching battle against the unharnessed terrorism that has gripped the region and the world,” Qassemi stated.
“As it presses ahead with its fundamental and humanitarian policies, Iran will incessantly and confidently work towards boosting security and stability in the region and fighting terrorism,” the Foreign Ministry website quoted Qassemi as saying.
“Those who sponsor and promote terrorism and violence, their cronies who justify their actions, and the commentators who are their yes-men cannot cover up their direct role in supporting anti-Iran terrorists through false rhetoric, unfounded double-talk and childish doubts about the terrorist and anti-human nature of today’s crime in Ahvaz,” said the spokesman.
He said the attack in Ahvaz as well as the 2017 terrorist attacks by Takfiri terrorists at the Imam Khomeini shrine and the Parliament building in Tehran are instances of indiscriminate, but targeted and pre-planned crimes.
These crimes are “the price for the resistance of the Iranian nation and government against wicked terrorism and killing of humans, the price imposed on most parts of the world by certain terrorist-training centers in the region through the unflinching support of a trans-regional power and the despicable Zionist regime,” he stated.
“Terrorism is the scourge of the current century which has targeted global peace, stability and security. Terrorism knows no geographical boundaries, religion, ethnic group, race and language, and has turned into a common and global danger today. It cannot be remedied unless through a serious collective will while ignoring double standards,” said Qassemi.
“The kingpins of some centers breeding terror and violence should know that terror and terrorism is doomed to failure and opprobrium,” he said.
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